This is a contrast method when the counter is running only a certain number of days in the month to form a certain amount of gas that the family uses.
#Sensus water meter hack free
Today the free market has counters that are equipped with remote control and speed control mechanisms inside the device. You may not spend your time on the implementation of the popular methods of cheating the gas meter and to purchase a special device for metering gas, which will slow the counting gas or to stop it at the request of the user.
#Sensus water meter hack manual
Next is rollback meter reading in manual mode using the motion of gears in a counterclockwise direction. After this counter is revealed and disassembled manually by the user. The main gas inlet valve is blocked, and the rest of the hydrocarbons in the pipe burned. This way of cheating the counter is one of the most radical.

Alas, but most modern devices of the account of gas consist entirely of plastic components. This should be stated on the label of the device.

The method works only in case if inside of a specific model of meter installed magnetic coupling. What is the gas meter can be stopped with a magnet? To stop completely or slow down gas meter will help neodymium magnet. The method is controversial, because it is very dangerous and may result in the purchase of new gas meters. Excessive pressure parts of the gas meter damaged and can no longer function as before. To do this, fully open all valves of the pipeline, and then to Unscrew up to the end of the main gas inlet valve to the system. The essence of this method lies in the application Pavlodar mechanisms of the device.
#Sensus water meter hack how to
Every consumer of gas, at least once wondered how to stop the gas meter? The motive of the occurrence of such ideas, as a rule, is always the same: to reduce the cost of utilities.