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bat file equivalent, but I don't have a mac to look at it, nor do I know enough about Macs to try and guess what it would look like. It's important to note that I only bothered to copy across the preferences file and the save games, not the campaign mission - but the likelihood of you wanting to play that more than once on any given machine is fairly slim and therefore just wastes a few extra seconds of your processor.
I kept this as an optional thing, just in case you ran this on your home PC and wanted to keep it - whereas on any other PC you'll probably want to remove it after you've left.

Right at the end it will ask you if you are sure you want to remove the save game folder on the local hard drive. Mkdir "Introversion\Prison Architect\saves\"Ĭopy "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Introversion\Prison Architect\saves\*" "Introversion\Prison Architect\saves\"Ĭopy the Introversion folder directly into the game folder on your USB drive - and this will work just fine. Mkdir "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Prisons\Prison Architect\saves\"Ĭopy "Introversion\Prison Architect\preferences.txt" "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Prisons\Prison Architect\"Ĭopy "Introversion\Prison Architect\saves\*" "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Prisons\Prison Architect\saves\" Just save your game files onto your USB drive and then create the following file within the game folder.Įcho "Initialising folder structure and copying save games" Regardless - I got it working on my laptop fairly simply. I'm really assuming that you have control over these computers though - if the reason you wanted to have it playable on USB was so you could play it on work/uni/school computers that don't allow you to run command line scripts, then this probably isn't going to help. Then - when you've finished playing, it will copy all the updated save games back onto your USB drive and then erase itself from the host PC so you don't have to worry about leaving hundreds of different save files all over the place. It won't stop the game using the local hard disk, but it will automatically create the relevant folders and copy across all your save files for the game to automatically pick up. However, after considering the question, I realised that you could do it with a batch script. My original point was that they're not going to bother to amend this during Alpha.

I understood the point, but the game is separated in two halves and it's already been stated several times that there's nothing Introversion can do about it.